Profeti della Quinta: The Song of Salomon
Doron Schleifer, Andrea Gavagnin - countertenor
Lior Leibovici, Jacob Lawrence - Tenor
Elam Rotem - Bass, harpsichord & musical direction
Ori Harmelin - lute & theorbo
Salomone Rossi's music has played an important role in the work of Profeti della Quinta since its beginnings. The Hebrew-speaking singers, who specialise in Italian Baroque music, have a direct link with Salomone Rossi, a Jewish-Italian composer.
Although Rossi was overshadowed in his day by the great success of his colleague and collaborator Claudio Monteverdi, his beautiful and refined madrigals not only fuse different musical traditions, but also mark an important milestone in the history of music: Rossi's Primo libro di Madrigali á 5 (1600) contains the first known printed intabulation for the theorbo. Rossi's Hebrew synagogue music is characterised by an elegant simplicity with madrigal additions. The programme also includes a number of compositions by Elam Rotem inspired by Rossi.
Salomone Rossi (c.1570-1630):
Lamnatséah ‘al hagitít Psalm 8
Elohím hashivénu Psalm 80:4, 8, 20
Elam Rotem:
Kol dodí hineh-zéh bá Song of Songs 2: 8-13
Girolamo Kapsperger (ca. 1580-1651):
Salomone Rossi:
Shir hama'alót, ashréy kol yeré Adonái Psalm 128
Hashkivénu Evening prayer
Elam Rotem:
Shechoráh aní venaváh Song of Songs 1: 5-7
Aní yeshenáh velibí er Song of Songs 5:2-16, 6:1-3
Salomone Rossi:
Mizmór letodáh Psalm 100
Haleluyáh, Halelí nafshí et Adonái Psalm 146
Al naharót Bavél Psalm 137
Cor mio, deh non languire Madrigal
Udite lacrimosi spirti d’Averno Madrigal
Rimanti in pace Madrigal
Elam Rotem:
Improvisation on Ballo del Granduca
Salomone Rossi:
Messaggier di speranza
Elam Rotem:
Hinách yafáh ra'yatí Song of Songs 4:1-7
Salomone Rossi:
Yitgadal veyitkadash Kaddish prayer
Normal price: 35€
Pensioners: 30€
Other concession groups: 10€
Festival pass (incl. all 10 concerts with admission)
Normal priced: 250€
Pensioners: 200€
Other concession groups: 80€
Buy your festival pass here, limited amount!
Note! The above ticket prices include the Biletti service fee of 1-2€, which is added at the cashier.
- Discounted tickets are available for: students, unemployed, children under 15 years of age and those performing military or civil service.
- There is a separate ticket for pensioners.
- A personal assistant is admitted free of charge.