Ilkka Eronen traverso
Sirkka-Liisa Kaakinen-Pilch violin
Sue-Ying Koang violin
Markku Luolajan-Mikkola viola da gamba
Johanna Randvere viola da gamba, cello
Aapo Häkkinen harpsichord
The second concert on the opening day of the festival will feature gems by French composers. Marin Marais (1656–1728) and Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1645/50–1704) both worked under the reign of the Sun King, the "musical king" of France, Jean-Baptiste Lully. Marais is known for his works for viola da gamba, which will also be heard in this concert. Marin Marais will also perform a trio for two solo instruments, not specified by the composer, and continuo. Marc-Antoine Charpentier is best known for his vocal music, but he has also composed instrumental music for worship and court. Unlike his contemporaries and his own practice, Charpentier has marked the sonata heard in this concert with a precise instrumentation: two (German) flutes, two violins, two gamba, lute and harpsichord.
Marin Marais (1656-1728): Trio sonata in c-minor
- Prelude
- Sarabande grave
- Rondeau
- Caprice
- Gavotte
- Menuet
- Autre
- Fantaisie
- La desolée ou passacaille lente
Marin Marais: Premier Livre pieces in G major and G minor
- Prelude
- Chaconne
- Tombeau de Monsier de Meliton
Marc-Antoine Charpentier (1645/1650-1704): Sonate à 8, H.548
2 flutes, lute, 2 violins, cello, viola, harpsichord
- Grave
- Recit de la basse viole
- Sarabande
- Recit de la basse viole
- Bourée
- Gavotte
- Gigue
- Passecaille
- Chaconne
Normal price: 18€
Pensioners: 12€
Other concession groups: 10€
Bundle ticket to same day concerts:
Sun 7.8. at 19-20 // François Couperin “Le Grand”
Sun 7.8. at 20.30-21.30 // Marin-Charpantier
Both in St Lawrence Church, Vantaa
Normal price: 26€
Pensioners: 18€
Other concession groups: 15€
Note! Ticket prices are subject to a Ticketmaster handling fee of 1,00-2,50 € and an order fee of 1,50 €.