BRQ | Vantaa Festival

François Couperin “Le Grand”

Marten Root traverso
Jasu Moisio oboe
Sirkka-Liisa Kaakinen-Pilch violin
Markku Luolajan-Mikkola viola da gamba
Johanna Randvere viola da gamba
Aapo Häkkinen harpsichord

The opening concert of the festival will be a celebration of French baroque with François Couperin's (1668–1733) "Le Grand" and BRQ musicians. The concert will open with a chamber sonata from the Concerts Royaux series – composed for the court of the Sun King, which, despite its name, consists of dance suites composed for unspecified chamber ensembles, which, despite their form, were intended to be listened to and not danced to. The other works in the concert are the Dixieme Concert, which will be performed as a solo oboe version, and La Piémontoise from the Les Nations collection. Couperin's music has the splendour and elegance of the Sun King's court, but also the tenderness of the recorder.

François Couperin (1688-1733): Concerts Royaux, Concert No. 4 in E minor

  • Prélude
  • Allemande 
  • Courante Françoise 
  • Courante a L’italiene
  • Sarabande
  • Rigaudon
  • Forlane, Rondeau

François Couperin: Nouveaux Concert No. 10 in a-minor and  A-major

  • Gravement et mesuré
  • Air Tendre et Louré
  • Plainte pour les Violes
  • La Tromba

François Couperin: La Piémontoise (Les Nations 1726)

  • Sonade 
  • Allemande
  • Courante
  • Seconde Courante 
  • Sarabande
  • Rondeau
  • Gigue 

Normal price: 18€
Pensioners: 12€
Other concession groups: 10€

Bundle ticket to same day concerts:
Sun 7.8. at 19-20 // François Couperin “Le Grand”
Sun 7.8. at 20.30-21.30 //
Both in St Lawrence Church, Vantaa

Normal price: 26€
Pensioners: 18€
Other concession groups: 15€

Note! Ticket prices are subject to a Ticketmaster handling fee of 1,00-2,50 € and an order fee of 1,50 €.

Marten Root, Johanna Randvere, Jasu Moisio & Markku Luolajan-Mikkola
Marten Root, Johanna Randvere, Jasu Moisio & Markku Luolajan-Mikkola

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