The Kindly Ones
Furies and Erinyes are deities of vengeance and punishment in Greek and Roman mythology. These avengers were born from the earth and blood. They had a dramatic appearance: hair covered with snakes, wings, and black robes. They punished wrongdoers – those who offended the gods or society, or who gave false oaths by lying.
In Baroque music, these avengers are often invoked in laments expressing cruel fate or the suffering caused by unrequited love. The songs frequently seek either vengeance or justice.
This concert program examines the avengers through a modern intersectional feminist lens. The program connects the ancient avengers to the lamentations of the Baroque era and sees them as defenders of justice against perpetrators of violence; against those who have perpetrated violence against women and representatives of marginalized groups.
Isabella Shaw is Helsingestiftelsen's Young singer of the year.
Barbara Strozzi (1619–1677): Che si può fare
Giacomo Carissimi (1605–1674): Deh, memoria
Michelangelo Rossi (1601–1656): Sesta toccata
Michelangelo Rossi (1601-1656) - Sesta toccata
Luigi Rossi (1597–1653): Furie d’Averno, uditemi
Luigi Rossi: Mostro con l’ali nere
Barbara Strozzi: Sino alla morte
Normal price: 25€
Pensioners: 20€
Other concession groups: 10€
Bundle ticket to the concerts on the same day:
Tue 13.8. at 6.30 PM // Élégance
Tue 13.8. at 8 PM // The Kindly Ones
Both in St Lawrence Church, Vantaa
Bundle ticket prices:
Normal price: 50€
Pensioners: 40€
Other concession groups: 17€
Festival pass (incl. all nine concerts with admission)
Normal priced: 210€
Pensioners: 170€
Other concession groups: 70€
Buy your festival pass here, limited amount available!
Possible visual limitation in some seats.
- Discounted tickets are available for: students, unemployed, children under 18 years of age and those performing military or civil service.
- There is a separate ticket for pensioners.
- A personal assistant is admitted free of charge.